Ducks Announce Goettl As Official Residential Air
Conditioning, Plumbing and Heating Service partner.
The Anaheim Ducks and Goettl Air Conditioning & Plumbing
(Goettl) announced a three-year partnership agreement
today beginning with the 2023-24 NHL season. Goettl will
become the official and exclusive Residential Air
Conditioning, Plumbing and Heating Service partner of
the Anaheim Ducks and Honda Center.
complete story>>

Join Us For IHACI’s 43rd Annual Trade Show.
For over 40 years, the Institute of Heating and Air
Conditioning Industries has hosted the Annual HVAC/R/SM
Performance Contracting Product and Equipment Trade Show
in early November at Pasadena Convention Center, in
Pasadena, California.
complete story>>
Hero Plumbing & Air looks back on a year of HeroTalk
When Rooter
Hero Plumbing & Air, a plumbing and HVAC company serving
residential and commercial locations in California and
Arizona, launched its HeroTalk podcast in May of 2022,
it hoped the format would give its experts a chance to
talk directly to and with others personally affected by
the skilled trades industry. <<read
complete story>>
Mechanical Offers Important Insights on Some Exciting
Innovations in Commercial HVAC.
From the first modern air conditioning system
designed by Willis Haviland Carrier in 1902 to today’s
powerful, feature-rich heating, ventilating and air
conditioning solutions, the HVAC industry is one
characterized by continual evolution.
complete story>>
Manufacturing Introduces LGM Series High-Efficiency,
Multi-Position Aluminum Coil 120V Air Handlers.
AThe 120-volt LGM Series offers outstanding installation
versatility. The units are shipped as upflow or horizontal
right and can be converted for downflow or horizontal left
installations onsite by HVAC technicians. When a proper
metering device is used, the LGM Series units are ETL listed
for use with R-22 or R-410A refrigerants. In addition, they
can be AHRI certified with most brands of air conditioners
or heat pumps. Available in 2- through 4-ton cooling
capacity without electric heat, all LGM Series models are
backed by a 10-Year Limited Warranty.